17 Years of Lessons

When you’re a business owner, time speeds up and time slows–you don’t always know which part of the continuum you find yourself. But I always find it worthwhile to mark milestones. Seventeen years ago, I left the world of TV news reporting and took a risk on myself. I could never have imagined the amazing people, places, and opportunities that would come my way on the Roshini Multi Media journey.

Whether in my roles as executive coach, crisis strategist, author of Communicate That!, radio host, media commentator, podcast host, or professional speaker, I am grateful to all who opened their spaces, places, hearts, and minds to me. There are certainly more than seventeen ah-ha moments and lessons. These seventeen are my guiding lights:

17 Lessons for 17 Years
1. Show gratitude
2. Know your audience
3. Seek strategic advisors
4. Identify honest mentors
5. Read the fine print

6. Always have dental floss at-the-ready
7. Be frugal where necessary
8. Be generous often
9. Have a trusted accountant
10. Less is more, 99% of the time

11. Make your clients your raving fans
12. Find a financial advisor who shares your values
13. Build an A-Game Team
14. Have a great headshot
15. Make space for fun and laughter

16. With everything, be Intentional
17. Dare to WOW!

I’d love to hear your poignant lessons: roshini@roshinigroup.com

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