Keynote Services

Do you want:

A keynote interview with a thought leader, company superstar, or influencer adds a dynamic and interactive element to your agenda. Focus the conversation with planned and ad-lib questions to deliver a more unique and memorable experience for attendees.

A keynote interview allows you to:
– Feature speakers who may not be powerful in a solo performance but are high-profile and would shine in a dynamic interview format
– Keep control of the direction and flow of the content
– Add interaction through questions from the audience
– Stay on time

Mickey Mouse didn’t get to be a household name by accident. Margaret Thatcher wasn’t shy about proclaiming her strength and intention.

Who comes to mind when you hear the term powerful presence? If your name isn’t on the short list of those you want to influence, you’re leaving money on the table and game-changing relationships in the dust. If you do make that list, are you maximizing your potential?

With Own Your WOW!™, Roshini helps you define or refine your space and then take steps needed to showcase your differentiators. Once you are natural at showcasing, you are ready to Own Your WOW!™

Does your message delivery say winner or, that person doesn’t know what they’re talking about?

Telling an engaging story about yourself and your organization builds relationships toward positive outcomes. Before you can raise your profile and achieve BIG results, you must know how to communicate who you are in a memorable way.

In her Who Are You? interactive keynote, Roshini guides you through her proprietary preparation tool, the I-A-P™ Formula, to help you WOW! every time.

They say you have one shot to make an impression. That’s only partly true. In the world of business, you have weekly and daily opportunities to set yourself apart. The question becomes, are you pumping up your profile with every opportunity or ruining your reputation?

In her BizSpeak™ talk, Roshini shows you how to turn your most common business communication scenarios into WOW! moments. You will be guided through Roshini’s proprietary communication process, the I-A-P™ Formula.

Roshini’s often heard saying: It doesn’t matter what you know if you don’t know how to communicate it. Whether you have to present to internal audiences, external audiences, or find yourself in pressure situations, BizSpeak™ can help you influence and sparkle.

In MediaSpeak™, Roshini gives you an insider view of the media world. Learn media lingo, deadline realities, and communication methods the media-savvy person needs to connect with and hold the interest of broadcast, digital, and print professionals.

Benefit from Roshini’s techniques developed over nearly three decades as a public speaker and her career in television news and radio. Her status as a licensed attorney ensures the liability lens is always on. Her current work behind the microphone and connections to media across the United States give you access to Roshini’s media insider status for your own goals.

Ensure you are poised and prepared for any media opportunity to divert negative spin or prevent crisis. MediaSpeak™ helps you capitalize on media exposure and boost your brand.

Are you ready if a digital post goes viral? Have you identified who will speak for your organization if you’re hit with a media firestorm? Do you understand messaging is NOT one-size-fits-all when it comes to internal and external stakeholders? Is your board prepared to field questions from the media when your organization is in the middle of an activist investor? Find answers to these and many other questions when you turn to Roshini for a customized crisis keynote or interactive session.

Clients Speak

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