No Sleep, No Sex

Always cracks me up when something I say on the air makes someone else blush. In this case, that person was co-host of KSTP TV’s Minnesota Live. He and guest co-host Alex Jokich asked me to talk about some of the latest topics on The Crisis Files™ podcast. We started discussing Case File #24: Help! I’m Sleep Deprived. This naturally led to all the problems that can occur when we cut out valuable time sleeping. One of those bad effects is impeded sexual function. I guess you’ll have to watch the segment to find out why Chris blushed and for tips to prevent many other health issues. Listen here for Case File #24 itself.

Chris and Alex also asked about other topics my Crisis Squad and I cover on The Crisis Files. Episodes drop weekly. We dissect hot topics of the day and try to find solutions in the real world. For example, Crisis Squad member Dr Abdul Omari and I got into the current crisis a St Paul university is dealing with after mishandling a classroom exchange between a student and adjunct instructor. Check it out in Case File #27: Academic Feelings. We also paid tribute to a recent NFL on-the-field injury that could have gone drastically tragic but has a silver lining in Case File #26: Damar Strong. And be sure to check out Case File #30: Sex at Work; protect yourself from what could happen when an innocent flirtation in the workplace, or even a consensual affair, goes off track.

Ideas for future Case Files on The Crisis Files™? Drop me a line:

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